Club Rules
Hants & Berks Motor Club Ltd
Club Rules - effective from 31st March 2015
1. TITLE - The Club shall be called “THE HANTS AND BERKS MOTOR CLUB LTD”
2. OBJECTIVES - The objectives of the Club shall be:
a) To promote the sport and pastime of motoring.
b) To instruct and advise members in regard to (a).
c) To protect and advance the rights of members in regard to (a).
a) Membership of the Club shall be open to all persons interested in the promotion of the sport and pastime of motoring as set out in Rule 2(a).
b) Members of the Club shall be either, Honorary Members, Ordinary Members or Cadet Members. To qualify for Cadet Membership the applicant must have reached his or her 16th birthday and can remain a Cadet member until the end of the calendar year in which they reach their 22nd birthday. They will be required to confirm their date of birth when applying for this class of membership.
c) All persons submitting themselves for membership shall complete and sign an application form and pay the appropriate fee.
d) Every member shall be sent a copy of these Rules and a List of Members and addresses as last published.
e) Every member shall abide by these Rules.
a) The Subscription to the Club shall be reviewed from time to time.
b) Subscriptions shall be payable on 1st January in each year. Discretionary rates may be applied.
c) No person shall be eligible to compete in any Club event until the subscription for the current year has been paid. The same condition governs members voting at a General Meeting.
d) When a member’s subscription has been outstanding one month, that member shall receive in writing a notice that the subscription is overdue. At the end of the second month, a similar notice shall be sent and if, by 31st March in that year, the subscription is not paid, membership shall be deemed to have lapsed.
The Committee has the right to review membership should an individual be deemed to have brought the Club into disrepute.
This shall be carried out by its Officers and Officials to be nominated and elected at the Annual General Meeting to be held annually as defined in Section 8.
All officials shall retire annually, but may offer themselves for re-election.
These shall consist of:
a) President
b) Honorary Secretary
c) Honorary Treasurer
d) A minimum of four Committee members.
a) An Annual General Meeting shall be held once in every calendar year.
b) The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be
i) To consider the Annual Report of the Committee.
ii) To elect Officers for the ensuing year,
iii) To elect a Committee for the ensuing year.
c) Notice of any nomination in respect of 7(b), 7(c) or 7(d) of these Rules shall be forwarded in writing to the Honorary Secretary not less than 10 days’ before the date of the Annual General Meeting accompanied by the names of proposer and seconder and signed by the nominee.
d) Not less than 21 days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to every member specifying the time and place of such Meeting and the business to be transacted accompanied by a copy of the Annual Report of the Committee and the Balance Sheet for the previous financial year.
e) The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes of those members present entitled to vote. No member shall be entitled to more than one vote. The Chairman shall have a casting vote.
a) Any General Meeting other than an Annual General Meeting shall be an Extraordinary General Meeting.
b) All business of the Club other than that which may be transacted by an Annual General Meeting shall be the subject of an Extraordinary General Meeting.
c) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened
i) At the request of the Committee
ii) At the written request of not less than ten members of the Club.
d) Not less than 14 days’ notice of every Extraordinary General Meeting shall be given to every member, specifying the time and place of such Extraordinary General Meeting and the business to be transacted.
e) Requests to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting under 9(c) of this Rule shall be in writing and signed and shall be delivered to the Honorary Secretary not less than 28 days before the proposed date of the Extraordinary General Meeting.
f) A motion at any Extraordinary General Meeting shall be passed by not less than two-thirds of those members present and entitled to vote. No member shall be entitled to more than one vote. The Chairman shall have a casting vote.
g) The quorum for an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be 15 members present and entitled to vote.
a) The Committee shall meet once in every calendar month or more frequently as summoned by the Honorary Secretary. A quorum will consist of 50% of officers and officials.
b) Each member of the Committee shall receive 7 clear days’ notice of every meeting, specifying the time and place of the Committee Meeting.
c) The duties of the Committee shall be:
i) The administration of the Club in accordance with the Rules,
ii) The promotion of the objectives and activities of the Club.
iii) The submission of their Annual Report to the members of the Club in the Annual General Meeting.
d) If any vacancies shall occur among the Officers or Committee of the Club the Committee shall have the power to appoint members to fill such vacancies, to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.
e) The Committee may appoint Sub Committees for any purposes and may co-opt other members of the Club to serve on such Sub Committees. Members so co-opted shall not be deemed to be members of the Committee. Each Sub Committee shall include at least one member of the Committee who shall be appointed as Chairman of the Sub Committee. The quorum for every Sub Committee shall be one half of the total number of the Sub-Committee
f) The Committee shall draft all Rules.
g) The Committee shall authorise the Honorary Treasurer to invest or expend Funds of the Club provided that the Funds are applied solely to the administration of the affairs of the Club.
h) The Committee’s interpretation of the Rules shall in all cases be final.
a) Keep a record of the Minutes of all General Meetings of the Club and its Committees.
b) Keep an accurate record of the name and address of every member of the Club.
c) Issue to all members a copy of these Rules and the last published List of Members.
d) Issue notices of and convene all Meetings as prescribed in these Rules.
e) Superintend and organise the administration of the affairs of the club and the promotion of its objectives and activities according to the instructions given to him from time to time by the members in General Meeting and the Committee.
a) Keep a complete and accurate record of all Fees and Subscriptions received from every member of the Club, together with all donations and other receipts of the Club and issue formal receipts for payments.
b) Hold, invest, bank, expend and administer the Funds of the Club as instructed by the members in General Meeting and the Committee and keep accurate records.
c) Prepare annually a Statement of Account up to and including the 31st day of December.
d) Present to the members in Annual General Meeting the Accounts of the Club in respect of the calendar year then past.
The Rules may be amended only by the members of the Club in General Meeting.